Thursday 2 October 2014

Camera Shots.

Extreme close up: to show specific detail of a persons face, too close to show emotion or general reactions.

Close up: To show detail in a persons face or to amplify the emotion in a character's face.
Medium close up: To show characters face, but have more of the background and body on show.
Medium shot: Used to see facial expressions and body language.
Medium Long Shot: Same as other medium type shots but almost shows full frame of character.
Long shot: A shot showing just about all the character, used to show the full figure and some background as well/
Extreme long shot: Used to show setting, usually at the start of a film, also known as an establishing shot.

2 shot: Where the shot encompasses the view of two people.
High angle: Makes the person in shot seem vulnerable or powerless, as if we're looking down on them.
Low angle: Makes characters look menacing, dominant, in charge, looking down on the viewer.
Over the shoulder shot: Puts the audience in person who is being talked too's perspective, usually used in a discussion. 
Canted/Tilted angle shot: used to express uneasiness, disorientation, or tension with an off centre shot at an angle.
POV Shot: Used to show characters perspective, made to feel we are the character. 

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