Tuesday 28 October 2014

Image Analysis

Image Analysis

- One character in foreground centre, suggests he is central to the story and is the main character in the story and is the most important, tells the audience who to look out for and who to emotionally invest in as he is the main character in shot which implies he is the main in the film

- Character holding a knife, suggests he has to use it and is important to his survival as it's the only noticeable thing he has, giving it a meaning of protection towards him. Gives audience feeling that he will use this weapon a lot as it is featured with the character

- The lighting is dark, which suggests the time of day that the film will take place and also could suggest the overall tone of the film. The audience can figure out what type of genre the film is as the dark lighting is very negative and ominous, implying the film is a horror or thriller genre.

- The setting is in a cabin, which is a typical setting for a horror film, especially of the slasher genre.

- The costume is typical clothing and the colour of the clothing is dark, this could be an indicator of the tone of the film as it's quite dark, suggesting the that the film is dark.

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