Friday 10 April 2015

AS Media Evaluation: Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Dante's Harpie would qualify as an 18 rate film due to scenes of violence and gore, which ultimately makes the audience for Dante's Harpie marketed at 18 and above target audience. With regards to gender, the products audience would be catered more to a predominantly male audience. This is due to the violence and gore that is present in the product, although this does not limit or restrict females in my products target audience. The idea of the product is to give the audience a thrill from the fear gained from watching a horror movie. This idea again appeals to a predominantly male audience, targeting at an age range up to 25. This is because this age bracket is more likely to fit into the stereotypical 'thrill seeker' which is usually portrayed by a male. However this does again not exclude females from the target audience.

Fans of the Horror movie genre can also be linked to fans of Heavy Metal and its many sub genres. This is due to Heavy metal bands and musicians incorporating a dark and 'heavier' tone into their music. The fans of one of these entertainment options can easily become a fan of the other as they both share a lot of elements between them such as the atmosphere evoked in the music. Horror films have also inspired many musicians in different elements of Heavy metal, such as the sound, lyrics, presentation of band

Examples of Bands which  have incorporated the Horror genre.

Code Orange - I am king

The music video is influenced by horror movies as the content of the video lends itself to something that may be featured in a horror film.

The genre of the band is mainly Hardcore Punk, but with this song lends itself to Doom metal, which is influenced by Horror films and religious ideas such as pentagrams and the devil.
 Electric Wizard - Dopethrone

This band creates music in the Doom metal genre, and as a band are influenced by Horror films and H.P Lovecraft, a noted author of horror fiction. The sound is very slow, heavy and aggressive, which conjures up feelings similar to a Horror film.

The imagery of the album cover, is also influenced by the Horror genre as it features a horned male which is suggested as being the devil.

Although through our product we're not trying to cater for a specific group of people, it's important to see how our genre can affect other types of entertainment, and can be useful in appealing to as many people as possible, by taking influence from things such as music, which we focused on in the making of the product

The characters in the film do not represent a certain group of people, the focus is more at the age of the characters, as their age is in the age range of my product.

The victim in my product is based off of the target audience age, as to draw parallels between the victim and the viewer. Also, to follow conventions of the Horror genre, the victim is a teenager/young adult , which is a common convention in the sub genre of Slasher Horror, one which was an influence in the making of my Product.

The two policemen's characters are influenced by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman's characters in the movie Se7en. Se7en serves as big influence in more than one way for my product. The characters served as inspiration in the way they dealt with one another and how they worked together when solving the crime. For my product, my group and I applied their character mould almost directly to our own policemen, with the exception that they had the same amount of experience.

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