Friday 23 January 2015


This a script/notes that we'll follow whilst we film the movie. it's written in note form so we can change things if necessary.

Exterior/Day/wooded area
Production company, producer and director
Establishing shot of woods, showing isolation. Teenage girl walking through woods, medium shots and close ups. showing actors and actresses names
She stops walking. Then gets ambushed and knocked out, cuts to black screen.
Girl wakes up tied up with tape over her mouth. emotions running high
Music builds up tension, shot ends with name of movie.

Shot of two men (policemen) looking down to ground.

Policeman 1: Can't believe this, it's disgusting!
Policeman 2: I know.

Shot reverse shots between the two men

1: Looks at it's face!
2: It's face?! 
1: *Quick gasp laugh* It's disgusting. Definitely the work of a serial killer
2: *sigh* No shit Sherlock?!

*Shot of Victims hand*

2: Right, you go get a witness statement, I'll head back 
1: Okay (turns to person who discovered body) Excuse me can i talk to you?

(Policeman 1 walks away from scene .Policeman 2 making a phonecall)

2: Gaffer... There's been another murder

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