Wednesday 14 January 2015

Actors and Actresses

Actors & Actresses

These are the actors and actresses that we have considered to play the roles in our film.

Policemen- Brandon Chan (Left) and Dan Grayer (Right)

For the role of the young detectives, we both fit the part as we are both young and look fresh/new on the job . For the character, Brandon had to remove an earring he has, as it didn't fit the look of a detective. As a character, Brandon is more authoritative over Dan as he is taller and also has more facial hair. The more masculine appearance gives a visual representation of authority among the two characters.

Murderer/Killer- Ben Leckey

For the role of the murderer, his facial features did not matter as his face would not be featured in shot. His height and masculine body frame was the main reason he was chosen as the killer as he would be more menacing and looks more powerful than the victim (Beth).

Witness- James Nolan

To fit the role of a witness, there is no specific look to be had. Plus as he is not featured in the film for that long and there is no close up on his face, what he looks like isn't a important a factor in choosing who to play the witness.

Victim- Beth Street

For the role of a victim, we chose Beth as she looks like a typical teenage girl, plus at college she studies drama and performing arts, which gives her more experience over others in acting. No extra make up had to be used, as the make up Beth was wearing suited the role of 'typical teenage girl'.

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