Tuesday 27 January 2015


This is the storyboard for my 2 minute title sequence.

To make things easier to plan, the storyboard was split into two halves. The first part of the storyboard was focused from the beginning to the murder and the black screen with the name of the movie. The second part was from the policemen inspecting the body till a fade to black after one of the policemen is on the phone and says "There's been another murder".

The 5 boxes are numbered 1-5 going from the top to the bottom and will be explained as to what part of the title sequence is being talked about in it.

1. The first box talks about the first shot/s which are establishing shots of the scene.
2. This box talks about the Victim (Beth) walking through the forest.
3. This box talks about the final walking shot of the Victim.
4. This box talks about another establishing shot, and the introduction of the Killer and the Victim being knocked out.
5. This box talks about the Victim being tied up and then being stabbed by the Killer.

The 5 boxes are numbered 1-5 going from the top to the bottom and will be explained as to what part of the title sequence is being talked about in it.

 1. The first box talks about A POV shot from the Victim (now dead) showing the two policemen having a conversation.
2. This box talks about SRS from both sides of the policemen continuing to talk.
3. This box talks about a shot showing the Victim's arm showing the two policemen at ground level.
4. This box talks about the policemen's conversation and their separation as they do different things. It also features a jump cut to a shot of the victims hand on the muddy ground.
5. This box talks about one of the Policemen (Brandon) walking away and calling his boss to report on the murder.

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