Thursday 22 January 2015

Vox Pops and results.

For our vox pops, we interviewed 7 college students aged from 16-17. Not all participants answered the questions.

We undertook these vox pops to get an idea as to what our target audience would like to see in a horror film and what their favourite conventions of a horror movie are.

In the answers we got from participants, here is an outline of what they liked in a slasher film.

1. Would you prefer to see a 12A or an 18 Rated slasher film?

4 participants said 18 rated.
2 participants said 12 rated.

Most participants would prefer an 18 rating because it would contain more blood and gore and violence.

2. What is key to a good slasher villain?

3 participants said the killers identity should be revealed later.
3 participants said the killer should be intimidating.

The Villain needs to be intimidating and psychotic and also has to be mysterious.

3. Is a good narrative key to a slasher film?

6 participants said yes.
1 participants said no.

A good narrative isn't key but is required to make the audience understand the film.

4. What do you dislike about slasher films?

4 participants disliked clichés of horror movies.
1 participant disliked a police presence
1 participant disliked the amount of violence in a horror movie

They dislike clichés, such as the blonde girl dying first, they want something different and new, one participant didn't like a slasher that was 'too' violent, so a control of the violence would be needed.

5. How do you expect a slasher film to start?

3 participants said there should be a death straight away.
1 participant said it should start in silence and build tension.

They expect a slasher film to start with tension and foreshadowing and a death.

6. What is your ideal slasher victim?

Each participant gave a different answer, which included, Girl, Nerd, Police Officer, Weakest member of the group and someone who can be seen strong but actually isn't.

 An ideal victim would be someone who is morally weak or weak minded but they present themselves as strong, or someone in authoritative power, for example a police officer.

7. Do you think the murderer should wear a mask?

3 participants said yes.
3 participants said no.

This was evenly split, some thought no as the murderer should be confident and as the only witness to the crime he has killed is dead there is no need, however the others thought they should to conceal their identity and remained mysterious and hidden to the audience.

When filming our title sequence, we will take on board the ideas that the participants said and their ideas will influence the choices we make in the film. One example being what they don't like in horror movies, as we want our audience to like the content we've made, another being how it should start as we are filming the start of a movie, so their answers  for how they expect it to start will help our decisions in what is featured.

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